3 Proven Tips Shared by Gary and Shelly to Help Businesses Expand Wisely

Monday, August 22, 2022


3 Proven Tips Shared by Gary and Shelly to Help Businesses Expand Wisely

Scaling a business is all about learning key fundamentals and having the right approach to get through even difficult times. It takes considerable effort and time to set a solid foundation, makes a business plan, and accelerate your business growth.

Success doesn't come overnight. It is crucial to clear your mind, take a different perspective and identify ways to earn more money. While hundreds of business strategies exist, I always believe having a professionals advice and guidance is better than dealing with certain things alone. Thats why I reached out to Gary Golon, a consultant who completed his Ph.D. in business and carries hands-on experience in many fields.

Gary and Shelly share great chemistry together and suggest time-proven business growth strategies to aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals.

  1. Target New Market

Most businesses target a specific customer market based on several demographics, such as age, gender, location, interests, values, and activities. But there are also other customer markets that might be feasible for your offerings. Target the right customer market at the right time to take your business to new heights.

  1. Analyze Competition

When you're looking to connect with the masses, you need to research the competition. It is vital to determine what your competitors are doing, know their strengths and weaknesses, and other stages of the sales funnel. Knowing what's working for your competitors can help you build a good strategy and stand out from the crowd.

  1. Networking is Key

Partnerships and connections with esteemed companies can truly make a difference. It could let you reach a broad audience quickly and effectively. For instance, if you're involved in the real estate business, you can have someone to guide you through an investing schemeand opportunities to close profitable deals.

I am glad that I had Gary Golon at my back at every stage of business expansion to understand various aspects and take valuable assistance. He is pretty amazing at managing people of different work backgrounds and continuously helping business owners to determine what's best for business and what's not.

Gary Golon © 2019